Medical Manager Yearend Checklist

Jd2  JAYDEE CORPORATION   (708)788-3203

If you have any problems or errors with your Medical Manager  -  Call Jaydee Corp - We can help


Year-End Procedures for The Medical Manager




Daily Close for December 31, 2023 – Required

Post all charges and payments that you want reflected in the year 2023. Perform a daily back up of

your system. Then do a daily close for December 31, 2023 (even if you haven’t entered any

information in your system) and advance the date to January 1, 2024.


Month/Year End Reports

You will balance your system just as you do at the end of every month. If you are unsure how to

balance your system please see the information noted below.


Version 9.10 and UP:

Guarantor Financial Summary with Unapplied Credit (/m801)

System Financial Summary (/m808)

Open Item Report (/m803)

System Aging Analysis (/m802)

Unapplied Credit Report (/m809)


Version 8.12, 9.02 and 9.03

Guarantor’s Financial Summary with Unapplied Credit (/m801)

System Financial Summary Report (/m808)

Current Period A/R Report (/m805)


Optional Year End Reports

All of these reports can be found on Menu 8 or Menu 30 depending on what version of Medical

Manger you are on.

Insurance Plan Receipts Report

Referring Doctor Analysis

Guarantor Summary

Period A/R Report

Procedure Productivity

Any other reports that your office may need


Patient Statements and Insurance Billing

If you have “Balance Forward” statements you must run them prior to performing your Year End Close.

If you have “Open Item” statements you should run those after the Year End Close to prevent $0

statements. It is recommended that you run Insurance Billing (Electronic and Paper Claims) so that

everything shows as billed for reporting purposes. Insurance Billing is not required prior to the close.


Year End Back-up

You need to make sure that you have a FULL system back up of your system prior to doing the year

end close. Call us if you don’t know how to run a YEAREND BACKUP.


If your system does automatic nightly backups,and you are sure that the backup was successful,

you may be able to use the previous night’s tape as your Year End Back up. Any entry done today

will not be on the tape!   Make sure that you label the tape “YEAR END BACK UP 2023”.


Year End Close

Choose Menu 3 Option 2 (/m302). This process will take approximately the same amount of time as

your Period Close with Purge. Do not exit until it is finished.



Call Carol or Chris if you cannot advance your date.